Top 10 vehicle platforms
1. Volkswagen’s PQ35 (A5) 32,675,765 units (2.6%)
2. Nissan/Renault’s B Platform 24,152,170 units (1.9%)
3. Volkswagen’s NQB 14,420,969 units (1.2%)
4. Volkswagen’s PQ24 (A04) Platform 13,197,432 units (1.1%)
5. Peugeot’s PF1 12,832,679 units (1.0%)
6. Toyota’s IMV 12,677,590 units (1.0%)
7. Nissan/Renault’s C Platform 12,530,211 units (1.0%)
8. Ford’s C1 Platform 11,580,531 units (0.9%)
9. GM’s Delta II 11,472,413 units (0.9%)
10. Toyota’s K Platform 11,274,013 units (0.9%)
Ranked by Global 2019 VIO data
6.1 years
Average age of trade-in vehicles in Canada during June 2020 – a statistic that has been edging up in recent months.
J.D. Power, Canadian New Vehicle Retail: The June 2020 Landscape
The percentage of Canadians who say Covid-19 will not delay them in buying a new vehicle if they need one.
kijiji Autos
Percentage of Canadians who strongly agree with the statement, “Given the economy and my personal finances, I have to be very careful how I spend my money.” Approximately one in four strongly agrees that “My income has been negatively impacted by the current pandemic.”
McKinsey & Company, Canada Consumer Pulse Survey
Rise in carshare bookings in July throughout Canada (year-on-year), suggesting a dramatic rise in car-based travel.
Carsharing company Turo
Anticipated number of new light-vehicle sales in Canada in 2020 if the economic downturn remains fairly mild – a drop of 25% from 2019’s total.
Canadian Black Book
Anticipated number of new light-vehicle sales in Canada in 2020 if the economic recession cuts deeper – a 40% drop.
Canadian Black Book
US $123.68
The average labour cost for OBD-II related check-engine light repairs in the state of Vermont – the lowest of any U.S. state in an analysis of more than 15 million OBD-II related repairs. It is the fourth consecutive year Vermont had the lowest labour cost. Mississippi had the highest labour cost for OBD-II related repairs (US $160.45). Corporation, State Ranking of Car Repair Costs
1 in 5
The number of times consumers specifically ask for OE replacement parts, according to a survey of independent repair facilities across the U.S.
Carlisle & Company, Selling OE Genuine Parts into the IRF Channel
US $513.8 billion
Forecast size of the global automotive aftermarket by 2027, registering a compounded annual growth rate of 4.0%. Current value: approximately US $418 billion.
Grand View Research, Inc.
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