The Wells Vehicle Electronics brand’s extensive library of free online automotive diagnostic training videos has reached two significant milestones on the global YouTube social network, with more than 670,000 views and over 1,000 subscribers.
Developed by the Wells Technical Services department, the video series includes dozens of in-depth training segments covering a broad range of drivability and related topics. The videos can be accessed by searching for “Wells Vehicle Electronics” on YouTube.com and through the company’s award-winning www.wellsVE.com website. Content is available in English and Spanish languages.
More than 500,000 of the customer views on YouTube have taken place in just the past year, reflecting the rapidly increasing popularity of the Wells brand among automotive professionals and consumers. YouTube defines subscribers – the users most coveted by online technical video providers – as regular viewers who have established their own video channels and want to be notified of any additions to a company’s library.
“Subscriptions are the ultimate measure of popularity on YouTube,” said Wells Technical Services Manager Mark Hicks. “There are hundreds of automotive suppliers around the world that haven’t been able to attract 1,000 subscribers or reach even 100,000 views. This fact tells us we’re providing the right content for today’s technicians, parts professionals and DIYers.”
For more information regarding Wells Vehicle Electronics solutions, please visit www.wellsVE.com or write to: Wells Marketing, 26 S. Brooke Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935. For the latest Wells product application information, simply use the company’s comprehensive, user-friendly electronic catalog available at www.wellsVE.com.
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