Take Our Next Step Survey
Following a rather vigorous – and sometimes circular – debate about the future of our industry on the Canadian Technician Forum, we created a survey designed to identify the most pressing issues you face.
The forum discussion started late last year when a shop owner from Cambridge, Ont. challenged fellow forum members to identify their most pressing concerns. The theory was that identifying problems would bring us one small step closer to solving them.
Hundreds of shop owners, technicians, and service advisors from around the country weighed in with a wide range of responses, and their comments were viewed by thousands of people.
Did it identify the most pressing concern? Well, no, but it sure kick-started the conversation! Dan wrote about the experience in the March 2013 issue. And, in a bid to continue what he started, we’ve engaged the power of SurveyMonkey to try to narrow down the field of issues.
As Dan says, “Perhaps we can figure out an industry-wide strategy that will speed our collective success.”
Please go to tinyurl.com/ct-nextstepsurvey and help us figure out next step for our industry.
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