Uni-Select Executive to Make Presentation
The Automotive Service Marketers Association has announced that Michel Maheux, executive vice-president, Automotive Group, Uni-Select, will make a special presentation in November.
Maheux, a respected veteran of the industry, has participated in industry events on a number of occasions, but seldom as the sole presenter.
The evening will also host a silent auction of sports memorabilia.
The event will be held at the Board of Trade, 830 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ont., on Thursday November 18, 2004 starting at 6:15 p.m. Cost, which includes dinner, is $110 per person including GST.
Proceeds will go to a charity of Maheux’s choosing.
For more information or to register, contact Gayle Rae at 905-673-0000 ext. 226.
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