Snap-on Adds Training Solutions Videos to YouTube Channel
#aftermarket – Snap-on recently added Training Solutions videos to its YouTube channel, giving professional service technicians another opportunity to learn how to navigate the features and functionality of their Snap-on diagnostic tools. Training Solutions videos are available for MODIS Ultra, SOLUS Edge, SOLUS Ultra, VERUS PRO, ETHOS+ and VANTAGE Ultra.
“The five-minute Snap-on Training Solutions videos were created to teach all of the latest diagnostic techniques so technicians can get the most out of their diagnostic tools,” said Mark Schaefer, director of marketing, Snap-on Diagnostics. “Each instructional video covers a specific diagnostic function so technicians can target the exact topic they are interested in.”
The Snap-on Training Solutions videos provide quality product training that is available to technicians 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week, when it is most convenient for them. Technicians can revisit the training sessions as often as necessary to learn at their own pace and comfort level. In addition to the YouTube channel, Training Solutions can be viewed on the Snap-on website at
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