Shop of the Week: Rochdale Autopro
Shop of the Week is a weekly column devoted to showcasing the efforts of automotive shops and their teams across Canada. Want your shop to have a turn in the spotlight? Send an email to!
Name: Wade Deagle
Shop name: Rochdale Autopro
Location: Regina, Saskatchewan
Number of employees: 8
When did you open your shop? 2002
Do you specialize in anything? General repair and maintenance
Who is your main parts supplier? Napa Auto Parts
What has been your biggest challenge as a shop this year and how have you navigated through them?
WD: This year, dealing with the COVID-19 crisis has taken most of our focus. Dealing with the expectations of our customers during this has been an extension of services. We also have to be concerned with our employees, what they are comfortable with and as well as how their families deal with it. It’s not a one solution fits all. When the pandemic first started it was a matter of listening to everyone and dealing with them individually and trying to alleviate their fears and anxiety.
What’s your biggest success story this year?
WD: We have taken on a fairly large fleet account which has really helped smooth over the low spots. Our biggest success though is keeping all our people working. When COVID-19 first came into play I was skeptical as to whether we would be here at the end of the year. So to me, it’s about my staff who adapted and stuck with it in difficult times.
How has COVID-19 impacted your business?
WD: Originally it was a challenge: what to do, and what not to do. As we all started to accept what was happening around us, the stress of it started to go down a bit and we became stronger and developed and adapted as we had to. Overall, like a lot of others, we have seen an increase in our overall numbers which was not expected at the onset.
What kinds of digital technology are you currently using/implementing?
WD: We use a variety of digital. We use Autovitals for digital inspections in the shop, all of the techs have iPads to complete inspections as well as reference information from Mitchell, Identifix etc. We use MyShopManager and Mechanicnet to communicate with customers through text and email.
If you could see one change in the aftermarket, what would it be?
WD: More detailed training on changing technology will always be a prime concern as well as the equipment to diagnose it.
Tell me an interesting fact about your shop?
WD: As a family-owned business, we are always on the same level as our customers and employees. We get it. A simple thing we have always believed in is that we have to be fair to our customers, fair to our employees, and fair to the business and hopefully, all else will take care of itself.
Name a part/product you and your team are particularly enjoying this month?
WD: We are always upgrading equipment and products and enjoy the benefits that they provide especially when they are new. Our newest addition this month is a transmission flush machine from BG OIL Products since our previous machine gave out.
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