Shell Touts Green Initiatives
Petroleum supplier Shell Canada says that its environmental initiatives funded more than 200 groups and individuals last year.
The company says that 226 groups and individuals received funds from the Shell Environmental Fund. The Shell Environmental Fund granted $800,000 in 2002 nationally to local, community driven environmental projects.
Started in 1990, the intent of the Shell Environmental Fund is to help individuals and groups make a positive contribution to our environment by providing the financial resources. In total, the Shell Environmental Fund has granted over $9.4 million to nearly 3400 innovative projects.
“Shell Environmental Fund grants are intended for smaller environmental projects that might not qualify for other sources of funding,” says Dawn Lashmar, administrator of the Shell Environmental Fund. “We’re looking for those community projects, staffed by volunteers, that could take up to $5000 and really make a difference.”
Any Canadian resident can apply on their own, or on behalf of a service club, charitable or volunteer organization, environmental group, youth group or others, says the company. Environmental experts and government along with Shell make the funding decisions.
Projects being funded include cleaning up of a local stream, beach or park, naturalizing a site to enhance wildlife habitat, setting up a community recycling program or implementing innovative environmental education programs.
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