McGill Wins PT Cruiser for Safe Cruising
The Students Society of McGill University has been awarded a PT Cruiser as first prize in DaimlerChrysler’s “Paint a PT Cruiser and Win It” contest.
The SSMU will use the car for its DriveSafe program, a free shuttle service designed to help eliminate drinking and driving by students.
Ed Brust, chairman, president and CEO of DaimlerChrysler Canada officially presented the Chrysler PT Cruiser keys to SSMU president Jeremy Farrell.
After taking delivery of their prize, student groups were invited to try and fit as many of their members as they could into the PT Cruiser in a two minute time period. The winning group won a $5,000 donation from DaimlerChrysler Canada to their favourite charity.
“McGill’s Student Society has been a leader in the development of on- campus programs to curb drinking and driving among students,” said Brust. “We congratulate them on winning the customized, decaled Chrysler PT Cruiser, which will make a very visible addition to their responsible driving program.”
In September and October 2001, students at nine universities across Canada were encouraged to paint a Chrysler PT Cruiser using vibrant, water- soluble products, in whatever style they wanted. Their creatively painted cars were judged against the designs of the other campuses that participated in the contest. A 360-degree digital photo was taken of each car and posted on a microsite, where students were able to vote on-line for the design of their choice. The design with the most votes won the custom decaled car for use in its campus’ responsible driving program.
DriveSafe, founded in 1999, is a free service that provides students attending university functions with a safe and convenient alternative to drinking and driving. This service is available for Frosh activities during orientation week, as well as at all major faculty and SSMU events throughout the year. DriveSafe is organized and run entirely by SSMU student volunteers.
“The executive of the Students’ Society of McGill University, SSMU DriveSafe, and myself are very excited to receive the Chrysler PT Cruiser, not just because it looks great, but rather because it will help to keep the cost of the DriveSafe program down,” said Farrell. “It is an all too unique feeling for us at the SSMU to get the kind of direct support from the community at large that DaimlerChrysler Canada is demonstrating by taking on initiatives like the ‘Paint the PT Cruiser and Win It’ contest."
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