Gabriel Now Directly Distributes to HD Aftermarket Suppliers and Distributors
The Original Gabriel (Ride Control, LLC), is now distributing its Fleetline and GasSLX products directly to heavy-duty (HD) aftermarket suppliers and distributors.
The company has competitive pricing and product programs in place that provide new opportunities for Gabriel HD customers to grow sales. The company believes in supplying its customers with the finest quality and service available.
“Serving the HD aftermarket directly has been our goal for some time. HD customers will receive excellent service through Gabriel’s long-established distribution system and know-how,” said Lisa Bahash, president and CEO, Gabriel (Ride Control LLC). “We especially welcome direct interaction with our heavy-duty aftermarket customers.”
The Gabriel HD lineup includes Fleetline 83000 series shocks for class 3-6 vehicles, Fleetline 85000 series for class 6-8 trucks, buses and trailers, Fleetline cab shocks, and GasSLX, an adjustable shock for class 7-8 trucks and buses.
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