CIAA Edmonton Chapter to Hold Shop Owners Forum
The Edmonton Chapter of the Canadian Independent Automotive Association (CIAA) will be holding its Shop Owners Forum on January 28.
Shop owners attending the forum will have the opportunity to meet other shop owners and be invited to discuss a variety of topics in groups relevant to the success of their respective businesses. Topic will include, but will not be limited to, best resources for repair and diagnostic solutions, how to best take advantage of the right to repair (CASIS) access, and current economic and market trends.
The event will be facilitated by CIAA executive director, Art Wilderman. In the past several months Art has traveled across Canada meeting shop owners, battling for access to OEM data, tools and training. He will share his views and answer any questions you have.
If you would like to attend the event, please contact Mike or Erika Bealer at (780) 953-4442 for a registration form at send the completed form to Those in attendance will pay at the door $20 per shop (limit three persons) and $10 for each additional person. Pizza and drinks will be served at 6:00 p.m. and the discussion will take place from 6:30 -9:30 p.m.
The two-and-a-half long event will take place at Caliber Automotive 16625-111 Ave. Edmonton.
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