Aftermarket Catalogue Standard Updated
The Automotive Aftermarket Industries Association Electronic Catalogue Standard has been enhanced to better meet the needs of all aftermarket manufacturers and their business partners, including virtually all of the major electronic catalogue suppliers.
The Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) recently published a completely new suite of tools that aftermarket companies can use to code and exchange application catalogue and other vehicle-driven data. This new standard has been widely accepted and is ready for adoption.
The original AAIA Electronic Catalogue Standard has been broadly embraced in the aftermarket and serves as the backbone for many of the leading electronic catalogue and e-commerce applications. However, barriers remained between the AAIA standard and a small number of the leading e-catalogue providers. The AAIA Electronic Commerce Committee worked closely with representatives of all interested parties to arrive at a solution that removes those barriers and meets the high industry standard for quality catalogue data in the aftermarket.
Technologue, Inc. provides the primary research and hosting of the database "Without industry partners like Nick Porrini [Technologue president] and the team at Technologue, a project of this magnitude would be impossible. The industry owes Technologue a debt of gratitude for their invaluable contribution to the AAIA standard," said Scott Luckett, AAIA vice president information technology.
"We have published a standard that everyone in the industry can adopt without hesitation," Luckett said. "Of course, the AAIA standard will continue to evolve to support other classes of vehicles and more international vehicle information. The value of the AAIA standard will be measured with timeliness to the countertop, accuracy and significant cost savings versus supporting multiple private formats."
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