Ford Powerstroke Diesel Auto & Truck Electrical Diagnostics
California-based ATSS Training will hold a weekend of training in September on Ford Powerstroke Diesel Auto & Truck Electrical Diagnostics in Calgary, Alta.
Instructor Mike Cleary, an eight-time award winning Ford Motor Company certified senior master technician, and a Powerstroke diesel engine specialist, will lead the classes Sept. 27-29, at Hampton Inn, Calgary Airport (2420 – 37th Avenue NE).
He says there are many misconceptions about the systems, operations, diagnostics procedures, and specifications on 7.3L, 6.0L, 6.4L, and 6.7L Ford Powerstroke Diesel Electronic Engine Control Systems.
“This interactive class will both inform you and either dispel or support some of the more commonly held ‘myths’ regarding these engine systems,” he says. “Come to class and be challenged.”
Topic to be covered include:
To register, contact ATSS at P.O. Box 27522; Fresno, CA 93729 or phone: (559) 307-7349.
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