Register Now For the AIA YES Conference March 29, 2016
AIA Canada will kick off 2016 events with the YES Conference, taking place on Tuesday March 29th at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites in Vaughan, ON. Designed to provide insight and connections to put young executives at the forefront of trends and new initiatives, the YES Conference attracts future industry leaders and decision-makers. This event is an opportunity to introduce new ideas, develop concepts and create the foundation for a life-long business relationship.
YES Mentor is Dave Fifield, President of Wakefield Canada
Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from YES Industry Mentor Dave Fifield, who will share his wealth of experience and insights on becoming a successful leader in the aftermarket industry.
Featuring Keynote and Workshop Speaker Ron Tite
How to Thrive in the Expression Economy
Low production costs, easy distribution, and suddenly, everyone’s a creator. Consumers can now fill their day with content dedicated to their hobbies, passions, and the things that interest them most. For business, that’s a problem. Consumers used to vote with their wallets. Now, they vote with their time. And you know who’s winning the battle for time? Other consumers. Ron Tite’s humorous and insightful talk helps people learn how to win other people’s time. Highlighting operational and personal innovation, authenticity, creativity, and more, Ron teaches individual how to act like customers be being more interesting and thus, win more of their customer’s time.
Program at a Glance
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
Lunch and Networking
12:45 PM – 1:00 PM
Welcome and Introductions
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Industry Mentor – Dave Fifield, Wakefield Canada
1:45 PM – 3:00 PM
Keynote Speaker – Ron Tite
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Refreshment Break
3:15 PM- 4:30 PM
Workshop – Ron Tite
4:30 PM
Conference Close
Register for the conference at:
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