Automotive Forum on Human Resources Focus on Recruitment and Image Issues…
Members of the Automotive Forum on Human Resources have been exploring ways to attract more young people to the automotive trades, including manufacturing, retailing, aftermarket parts and installation, collision repair, and repair and service, to ensure there will be a capable workforce in the years to come.
A market analysis was conducted to gather information about current recruiting practices and career awareness materials. Industry companies, associations, school counselors and career information organizations were contacted to find out what was currently being practiced and what they would like to see in practice. Focus groups were also held with students, employees, employers, teachers, counselors and parents.
It was found that most people do not see the breadth of the industry and the career opportunities offered. Therefore, the industry needs to reinforce this overall picture of the industry and the different types of occupations and career paths available.
Several points of action were suggested in the recommendations of the market analysis. The Forum members are now examining the recommendations and discussing potential strategies that could be employed to attract tomorrow’s workforce.
The Automotive Forum on Human Resources membership includes representatives from the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers Association, Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada, Used Car Dealers Association of Ontario, Automotive Parts Manufacturers Association, Canadian Association of Japanese Automobile Dealers, Canadian Automobile Dealers Association, Canadian Tooling & Machining Association, Automotive Industries Association, Canadian Automotive Repair and Service, Industry Canada and Human Resources Development Canada.
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