Canadian Automotive Association Ushers in New Board
The Automotive Industries Association of Canada (AIA) has announced its new board of directors.
Members of the AIA attending the 69th AIA Annual General Meeting in Toronto, Ont. elected a new slate of directors proposed by the AIA Nominating Committee.
The term for the Board of Directors will be from January 2010 until the Spring of 2011.
Executive Committee/Comité directeur
* Brad Morris, Grote Industries, Chairman of the Board / le président du conseil
* Mauro Cifelli, Vast Auto Distribution Ltée, First Vice Chairman / le premier vice-président
* John P. MacDonald, Ideal Supply Company Limited, Second Vice Chairman / le deuxième vice-président
* John R. Watt, Petro-Canada Certigard, Immediate Past Chairman / l’ex-président immédiat
* Marc Brazeau, AIA President / président de l’AIA
Directors at Large / Administrateurs
* Tony Kuczynski, Canadian Tire Corporation
* Jeff VandeSande, Bestbuy Distributors
* Gaetan Dussault, Du-So Pièces d’Auto
* Greg Sims, OK Tire Stores Inc.
* Bob Sinclair, Dixie Electric Ltd.
* Denis Mathieu, Uni-Select Inc.
* Robert Hattem, NAPA Inc.
* Rick Berg, 3M Canada
* Mario Tremblay, DuPont Automotive Finishes
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