Canadian Automotive Aftermarket Tsunami Relief Efforts Grow, Small Jobber Gives $1,000
The Canadian automotive aftermarket has begun to step up efforts to help those affected by the tsunami in Asia.Several companies have offered challenges to the aftermarket, including Gates Canada and Zurawel Patton Sample, as has one small town Ontario jobber.That jobber, who has asked to remain anonymous, has challenged other businesses, and jobbers in particular, to meet or exceed his company’s $1,000 contribution.”I believe that if you’re going to do it, do it right. These people are going to need help for a long time after the news media has left,” said the business’ owner.As a result of urging from the Canadian automotive aftermarket, the Automotive Industries Association of Canada and Jobber News, SSGM and are coordinating efforts to help raise funds for the tsunami-stricken regions in Asia.The AIA/Jobber News drive has chosen the Canadian Red Cross to be the recipient of funds from the automotive aftermarket, but urges aftermarket companies to inform the AIA of any contributions made to organizations in aid of relief efforts.Contributions or information regarding contributions already made should be done using the forms accessible through these links: Click Here for Contributions Form or you canClick Here to Notify of Contributions already made
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