Canadian Aftermarket Association Considering Role In Automotive Repair
The Automotive Industries Association of Canada has made a commitment to pursue what role it might play with automotive service providers.
The board of directors of the Automotive Industries Association of Canada (AIA) has agreed that it should pursue investigating what types of services automotive service providers (repair garage owners) and technicians need to survive and thrive in the industry.
AIA recognizes that the long-term success of AIA members (wholesalers, warehouse distributors, and suppliers alike) hinges on the success of its customer base.
“This initiative seeks to bridge the gap between the association’s existing members and automotive service providers,” says AIA Chair Ken Coulter.
“One of the goals is to strengthen the voice of the automotive service
installer on the regional, provincial, and national basis,” continues the AIA Chair. AIA believes that automotive service providers may have a need for more information resources in the areas of government relations, business and technical training, market research, and environmental best practices, etc.
Chair Ken Coulter has asked the members of the board, particularly the Directors who are Division Chairs and Chairs of Councils and Committees, to go back to their divisions/councils/committees, local members, council and committee members, colleagues, member companies, and automotive service providers to further explore this initiative.
In particular, the investigations are to find what kinds of services already exist for automotive service providers, what kinds of services are not currently available, but needed, whether they want additional assistance, and how the AIA can work with existing associations or groups to meet the needs of automotive service providers.
The association is also investigating the need and viability consumer marketing material & consumer loyalty tools, garage & equipment sale classifieds, business seminars, distance learning, and resources, as well as industry links.
Once the AIA has received feedback from members and automotive service providers across the country it will begin to develop a business plan to address the areas identified in this initial member research.
“The industry has been talking about the survival of the automotive service provider for several years now,” says Ken Coulter. “It’s time to start doing something. We need to begin by figuring out what service providers need and want, and what AIA can do to enhance what is already available.”
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