AIA Announces Scholarship Winners
Over 50 young adults will be furthering their education with a little help from AIA; and more than 50 proud parents from AIA member companies will be relieved to know financial support for their child’s education is on the way. The Automotive Industries Association of Canada is pleased to announce the 2003 winners of the Marion Roberts
Scholarship Awards. The Scholarships are for students pursuing a post secondary education in any field of endeavour. They are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership skills and community involvement.
“The parents of these young people should be very proud,” says AIA President Ray Datt, “it is always very inspiring for the selection committee to read the scholarship applications, these young people represent the best in
today’s youth. Our congratulations and best wishes to them all!”
“It is often difficult for individual companies,especially small businesses, to be able to offer a scholarship program to their employees. As a national association, AIA is able to offer this scholarship as a member service. While the scholarship is open to all AIA member companies, we have found it is particularly valuable to AIA jobber members and their employees. AIA wishes more member companies, jobbers in particular, were aware of the
scholarship and let their employees know about it, so that even more deserving young people could benefit from this valuable member service,” concludes AIA President Ray Datt.
The Marion Roberts scholarship applicants do not have to be pursuing a career in the aftermarket, they can be pursuing any field of study, at any post-secondary level, at any Canadian college or university.
The Marion Roberts Scholarship Awards were developed to provide assistance to children of employees of AIA member companies. Employees of AIA members companies are encouraged to ensure that their dependents pursuing a
post-secondary education at either the college or university level, apply for a Marion Roberts Scholarship. Applications for 2004 will be mailed to AIA members in the spring, or students can download a copy from the AIA web
site The deadline for applications will be July 15, 2004.
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